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8 Tips on How to Take Care of a Laptop Hard Drive

 One of the hardware components on a laptop that needs special attention is the hard drive. The hard disk is a data storage place and where the operating system is installed. 

1. Always turn off the laptop properly.

The first thing we should always remember is "always turn off the laptop properly, by pressing the Shutdown button". For that, avoid turning off the laptop by pressing the power button directly, check the laptop battery, don't let the laptop suddenly die because it runs out of battery.

2. Keep the hard drive from shocks, don't carry a laptop that is still alive

The hard disk is a hardware component that contains a layer of magnetic discs that can rotate at very high speed, for example, 7200 revolutions per minute (rpm) so it is very risky to shock, especially when the laptop is still alive, a collision on the laptop can tear the disc layer, which is called bad sector hard drive. Therefore, be careful when carrying a laptop, do not let the laptop be pressed by other objects, bumps, or even falls. 3. Run Disk Cleanup Disk Clean up is a built-in Windows tool that is useful for cleaning the contents of the hard disk from files that are no longer useful, such as temporary files, log files, and files in the recycle bin. To run this disk cleanup the method is:

Open a Windows Explorer window - Right-click on the hard drive you want to clean up (eg drive C) - Click Properties.
Click the Disk Cleanup button - wait a moment and after the Disk Cleanup window appears, select the files to be removed - Click OK

Perform hard drive maintenance by running this disk cleanup at least once a month.

5. Perform Disk Defragmenter

Disk Defragmenter is a Windows built-in tool that functions to rearrange the data stored on the hard drive. Run this disk defragmenter at least once a month so that your hard drive remains optimal. To run this tool the method is:

Open a Windows Explorer window - Right-click on the hard drive you want to defrag - Click Properties.
Click the Tools tab - In the Defragmentation section, click the "DefragmentNow" button. 
Select by clicking the Hardik to defragment. To analyze whether the hard drive needs to be defragmented or not then click the Analyze Disk button. To immediately defrag click the Defragment Disk button.

If the status of the hard disk is 0% fragmented like the example of Drive D in the image above, then we don't need to defrag the hard drive.

6. Monitor the temperature of the hard drive, take care not to overheat the hard drive.

Just like other hardware components, we must also take care of the hard drive so that it does not overheat (overheating) which can cause damage to the hard drive. Keep the laptop ventilation (usually on the left side) smooth by diligently cleaning it, placing the laptop in a flat position, not placing it in a bumpy place such as a mattress or carpet that can clog the airflow flowing from the laptop vent, and use a cooling pad, which can cool down the laptop as a whole.

To monitor the hard disk temperature, we can use the PC Wizard program, which is an application that can diagnose hardware and monitor computer systems.
To monitor the hard disk temperature, run the PC-Wizard application then click the tester needle image icon (voltage, temperature, and fan). There we can see the temperature on various hardware, including hard disk temperature.

7. Run Antivirus and update regularly.

How to take care of the hard drive which is next is to install an antivirus that is always updated so that it will minimize the risk of hard drive damage due to virus attacks such as boot sector viruses, viruses that eat up hard disk space.

8. Backup hard disk regularly

Caring for a hard disk is not only performing maintenance in terms of hardware or physical bbutng the data contained therein also includes how to care for the hard drive. One way to take care of hard disk data is to do a backup which aims to get a duplicate of the hard drive either in the form of data or an operating system. So if one day there is damage to the hard drive, then we can do a quick recovery. About how to do a hard disk backup will be discussed in a special article on how to backup and recovery.

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